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Why You Need A Social Media Strategy In 2019

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Why You Need a Social Media Strategy in 2019

Why You Need A Social Media Strategy In 2019Following on from my “Why You Need a Social Media Manager in 2019” blog a few weeks ago, I am now going to, hopefully, explain why you need a sound Social Media strategy going into 2019.

Social Media is constantly on the move and seems to be changing daily, but it is here to stay and will be around for the long haul. You need to have a Social Media presence in today’s world.

Those that don’t are missing out on so much revenue and not doing Social Media marketing can, and will, be the cause of so many businesses failing in the future. Now, I know Halloween has only just gone, but these aren’t scare tactics set out by marketing agencies looking for your business. It’s plain and simple; your customers are shopping online and interacting with their favourite brands using Social Media platforms. Why would you not want to be talking to them too?

However, trying to build an online presence without a defined and clear path can be counterproductive and a waste of your time. You will find yourself posting without knowing what, where or time to post so that your content can be reached by the maximum number of people, which in the long-term will lead to seeing no return for your time or investment.

1. Save Time And Be More Creative

save time be more creativeWhen you have a written, defined Social Media strategy you shouldn’t have any questions about how often you should be posting, what type of content, and at what time. It will all be laid out in front of you.


2. Understand Your Target Audience

understand target audienceHere is the first question you should ask yourself, “do I really know my target audience?”

A big part of the Social Media strategy is pinpointing where your target audience hangs out. If your audience is on Facebook and you are spending all your time on Twitter then you are most definitely missing out. Carrying out some good research will identify which platform your audience is likely spending their time on.


3. Analyse Your Customers’ Needs

analyse customer needsGiven the nature of SOCIAL media, it’s the best place to get real-time feedback and interact with your customers. They will talk about you and your products and message you to ask question, which can be answered straight away. Being able to respond like this will help you appear caring and responsive, which, in turn will make your customers feel wanted and listened to. You’ll also be able to watch their conversations and see what they need from you. You can then test and adjust your products to meet your customer’s needs.


4. Stay Competitive

stay competitiveThis might be the most important reason. Stay ahead of your competition….Ooohhhh yes that is possible! With your daily/weekly/monthly posts already planned out, you can then concentrate on bringing together all your other marketing efforts to be in line with your Social Media plan and make you stand out more effectively. Additionally, with your Social Media strategy in place, you’re able to analyse competitor activity month on month, see what are they’re doing online, what’s working for them and, more importantly, what’s not working for them. And all the while you are remaining consistent. Believe me when I say this is HUGE.


5. Stay Consistent With Your Brand Strategy

consistent brand strategyYour brand has its own unique way of doing business; your voice, your colours, your tone and your message will help you to have a cohesive online presence. Your strategy will bring all this together and align with your business goals and objectives going forward.


In summary, if you have a strong Social Media strategy your business can only keep on growing. Now ask yourself this “can I afford not to be on social media?”